Friday, December 11, 2009





从湖南乡下三十九岁母亲怀中的襁褓,到珞珈山上大学图书馆内直面美女的秋夜惊魂,引发少年人四年之久的的单相思暗恋,到毕业后天各一方的两年鸿雁传情,到洞房花烛夜的两情相悦,这是属于我的爱的故事。我靠发奋读书所取得的一点成绩来给自己壮胆求爱,打造灰男人(Cinderella Man)成功追到白雪公主的爱情故事现代版。但爱的寻觅结果并没有给我和她带来婚姻的甜蜜与幸福,直到我们先后回到真爱的源头里,成为基督徒。






















Monday, December 7, 2009







Wednesday, December 2, 2009












Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Lion, Lamb, and Light

Imagine you are going on national television in prime time as an America’s Top Talent contestant. You are asked by the judges to compose a song on the spot and sing it, on the theme of hope. What will be the lyric? How about the music score? Let me give it a try.

Hope is Peter Pan’s pixie dust; it gives you wings of faith to fly to Neverland.

Hope is the Hummer with 239 horsepower; it drives you across the uneven terrain of life.

Hope is the catchy word that enchants us; it gets Obama to the White House.

Hope is the sweet dream of a girl; it promises her a white knight prince in waiting.

Hope is the undying fire in a heap of ember; it rekindles the passion of your heart.

Hope is the assurance of tomorrow; it knows the setting sun shall rise again above the horizon.

Hope is the energizer bunny; it just keeps you going and going and going ….

Two thousand years ago, a man named Zachariah also sang his song of hope. He and his wife Elizabeth were advanced in age, without a child. One day, an angel of the Lord visited him while he was on priestly duty in the Temple of Jerusalem. To his disbelief, his wife would bear a child who shall be named John, aka John the Baptist. He would be the forerunner, the equivalent of an usher or an emcee of a Broadway show, for Jesus Christ who was to be born six months after John. On the eighth day after John’s birth, the day of circumcision according to Mosaic Law, Father Zachariah composed this song, a song of hope (Luke 1:67-79):

“Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, because he has come and has redeemed his people.

He has raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David (as he said through his holy prophets of long ago), salvation from our enemies and from the hand of all who hate us—to show mercy to our fathers and to remember his holy covenant, the oath he swore to our father Abraham: to rescue us from the hand of our enemies, and to enable us to serve him without fear in holiness and righteousness before him all our days.

“And you, my child, will be called a prophet of the Most High; for you will go on before the Lord to prepare the way for him, to give his people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of sins, because of the tender mercy of our God, by which the rising sun will come to us from heaven t shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the path of peace.”

This song uses two explicit metaphors to describe our Lord Jesus Chrsit: a horn of salvation, the rising sun from heaven. The song also has three implicit metaphors: Lion of Judah, Lamb of God, and Light of the World. Lion, Lamb, and Light are three reasons for our true hope in life.

First, this horn of salvation came from the household of King David in the tribe of Judah. Nearly 1900 years before the birth of Christ, Jacob, a patriarch of Israelites, prophesied by his deathbed the coming of the Shiloh, the Peace Giver, from the tribe of Judah (Gen.49:10). Judah was likened to lion’s cub. Jesus, the Prince of Peace, was referred to in the Bible as the Lion of Judah (Rev.5:5). Nine centuries later, Prophet Nathan relayed God’s promise to King David that a descendant from David will be King forever. This eternal King for the kingdom of God is none other than Jesus Christ, the true Lion King, the King of kings, and Lord of lords. Perhaps unbeknown to Zachariah then, this horn of salvation, the Lion of Judah is not only King of the Jews, but he is the King of all God’s people as well.

This Lion King was to suffer mortal wound, as animatedly depicted in the C. S. Lewis book and a recent movie by the same name of “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe”, and in another movie “The Passion of the Christ”. The Lion of Judah is also the Lamb of God. This is one greatest paradoxical truth of the bible: the King of the kingdom of God was sacrificed as the Lamb of God, in so doing, calling and winning the hearts of many lost sinners to become the citizens of the heavenly kingdom. John the Baptist, according to his father Zachariah’s song, was to present this Lord, the Lion King, to God’s people so that they will have the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of sins. This Lion King was to become the Lamb of God, by dying on the Cross to make the forgiveness of sin possible. As a priest, Zachariah probably knew better that the forgiveness of sin did not come easy; it involved the shedding of blood. In this case, it was the shedding of the precious blood of the Son of God. Have you accepted this Lion King of Judah, the Lamb of God, into your heart and received the forgiveness of sins? I encourage you to take the step of faith and accept him.

Zachariah continued in his song of hope: the rising sun will come to us from heaven. The Light of the World from another world was to come to us and make dwelling among us. That is the central message of Christmas: God the Son became God the Incarnate, the Immanuel, that is, God with us. This Light will dispel all darkness. Seven centuries before Christ’ birth, Prophet Isaiah prophesied in manifold clarity this Immanuel would be born of a virgin (Isa.7:14), as a shoot (Isa.11:1) “from the stump of Jesse” (King David’s father), and as “the great light” seen by “the people walking in darkness” and a light dawning “on those living in the land of the shadow of death” (Isa.9:2).The origin of this light is otherworldly, for his name is divinely revealing, “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” (Isa.9:6). Jesus said, “I am the Light of the World. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12). We live in a post-modern world that marginalize, if not outright reject, truth of any kind and brand, especially the metanarrative of biblical truth. The evolutionism you learn at schools tries to upset your faith by trumping God’s truth that God is the Creator of the Universe and Life. The Light of the World has come, full of truth and grace. Jesus says, “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32). Have you seen the light of truth? In this light, have you seen you have lived in darkness for too long? Now it is high time to come out of the darkness of sin and become a child of light. Jesus also says to his followers, “You are the light of the world” (Mat.5:14). As children of light, we are to bear witness to the light and live a life that is full of light.

Brothers and sisters, our hope of deliverance does not rest on the power of any nation in this world. It comes from the power of the world to come. The horn of salvation is mighty and able to deliver us from the oppression of any dark force, be it injustice, sin and death. Those who take pride in the ever more powerful human armaments will be put to shame. The world’s powers, more often than not, have come out of the gun barrels, but they come and go, without exception. The power of the everlasting Kingdom of God comes not by human strength, but by the mighty arm of the Lion King of Judah. The King has come, in humility and love, and he shall return, in glory and power. Are you ready for this King’s return? Prepare a way in the hearts of our own and our contemporaries, just as John the Baptist did in his time. Preach the Word all the time, in words and deeds. Be creative. Be courageous. Never lose heart.

Brothers and sisters, our hope of salvation does not come from the self righteous acts of human efforts, a common hallmark of all the world’s unbiblical religions. Our hope of salvation comes from the righteous sacrifice of the Lamb of God. He alone is able to deliver us from the penalty of sin, the power of sin, and, ultimately, the presence of sin. Any human efforts will fall short of achieving eternal salvation. Who in our right mind would think that the gift of eternal life can be sufficiently earned by our limited and imperfect acts of charity trenched in highly questionable motives of ultimate self-serving? Come to Jesus the Lamb of God for the forgiveness of sins, would you?

Brothers and sisters, our hope of understanding does not come from ever shifting scientific conjectures and speculations. It comes from the Light of the World, who bears witness to God’s truth to this world of darkness. The truth is: we are all created in God’s glorious images and likeness. We are God’s image bearers. But we are sinners and fall short of the glory of God. Now the Light has come, we ought not to continue living in darkness. Come out of the dungeon and the closet, and embrace the fresh and warm sunlight from the high heaven. Walk on the sunny side of life. What darkness are you in? What secret life are you living? What immoral web of relations are you entangled into? Come out of it. Live in the light. As Apostle Peter said, “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light” (1Pet.2:9).

Today, on the first Sunday of the Advent season, I implore all of us, behold our Lord Jesus Christ and become his. Believe the Lion King of Judah, and become his redeemed citizen of heaven. Believe the Lamb of God, and become a new member of his flock. And Believe the Light of World, and become his witness of light and life. Jesus the Lion, Lamb, and Light is the true hope of our life. God bless you.








圣经明言,人乃是按照上帝的形像与样式而受造的。这里的形像与样式不是指物质层面的,乃是属灵的,就如智慧理性与创造力,慈爱怜悯与公义心,等等。人受造,一方面是为了成为上帝的知心朋友,享受上帝赏赐给我们的各样美善的恩典,就如亲情友情爱情,阳光雨露美食,等等。人受造,二方面是为了让人彼此相爱,亲如兄弟姐妹。人受造,三方面是为了替上帝管理宇宙万有。这三方面,构成了人生的三重立体使命,即信仰使命(敬神),道德使命(爱人) ,管理使命(理物) 。人在宇宙中的正确位置,乃是一神之下(故要敬神,即把神当神,以神为乐) ,人群当中(故要爱人如己) ,万有之上(故要管理宇宙万物)






Friday, November 20, 2009








Friday, November 13, 2009

Lord’s love lifts life’s lows

Have you ever felt downcast and downtrodden? The kind of defeat you get when you badly wanted to succeed? The kind of detours you did not plan or foresee? The kind of disappointment you have for both you and others when you really strove to do your best and be your best? The kind of despair you are entering into? Perhaps it is straight A grades to earn or a test not to flunk, a dream college to apply for or graduate from, a good paying job to seek or leave (voluntarily or not), a wife or husband to love or reconcile with, a friendship to forge or mend, a child to raise and discipline, a career ladder to climb up or scale down. Yes, we have defeats, detours, disappointments and even despairs, plentiful of them. I have a few big ones. I was prepared and expected to go to the very best college in China, but had to settle for less, months after my father untimely passed away, double setbacks for me then. I was hoping to become a university professor doing world class research, but ended up working in drug industry due to an event beyond my control. I was expecting a marriage that began with the typical fairytale happy union, but found myself bankrupt in love. Those are some of my life’s many lows. None of us, not even the Bible characters, are immune to life’s defeats, detours, disappointments and despairs. Peter is one such character. Let’s take a good look at him and his ordeals.

Peter’s life has a few low points. Remember Peter’s two fruitless night fishing expeditions, first recorded in Luke 5, which is in the beginning of Jesus’ ministry, and then again in John 21, which is in the end of Jesus’ earthly ministry after resurrection. On both occasions, Peter the fisherman and his friends labored a whole night on the lake of Gennesaret or Tiberas, that is, the Sea of Galilee, catching not even one fish! That is as low as any fisherman can get. It is in his life’s low point when Jesus first called him to follow as a disciple and become a fisher of man, and then reconfirmed the apostolic calling for Peter. In addition, we read about Peter’s walking on the water, only to sink deep in poor faith. We read about Peter’s great confession, which gets him the praise from Jesus, only to speak moments later on the devil’s behalf. Of course, Peter the braggart boasted his superior love to Jesus than his friends during the last supper, and Peter the brave heart chopped off a poor servant’s ear during Jesus’ nighttime arrest, only to turn into Peter the coward who denies out of fear, not once, not twice, but thrice, before the rooster crows, his association with and knowledge of Jesus after the Master’s arrest. Peter has to be disappointed with himself. So much so that he and six other disciples took a night off and went on a fishing expedition, again in the Sea of Galilee. Apparently all fish there that night got the advance notice from the Maker of heavens and earth to stay away from Peter and his cohorts and dodge their snarling net. The immediate context of our sermon text today is found in John 21.

A few days after resurrection, Jesus decided to appear to his disciples for a third time. This time, to seven of the twelve disciples. The Gang of Seven was fruitless in their nightlong fishing expedition. Something fishy must be going on. To their credit, they were quite persistent in disrupting the restful sleep of fish that night. Before dawn, Jesus appeared on the shore, asking them, not without some light sarcasm, “Friends, haven’t you any fish?” “No” was their terse and truthful reply. “Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some.” Jesus instructed. And catch they did. A netful of 153 fish in just one cast! John was the first to recognize it was Jesus on the shore. Guess what Peter did. He jumped off the boat and swam toward the shore. Imagine Peter’s bittersweet emotions. Sweet, because the Lord is the lord of even fishery. Bitter, because Peter could not quite let go of his guilt in denying Jesus three times before the dawn of Good Friday. Make no mistake, Peter loves the Lord, despite all his failings.

Jesus did three remarkable things that morning to mend and lift up Peter’s broken spirit. First, he cooked breakfast for Peter and six other disciples. Notice before they hauled the net ashore, fish and bread were already being baked on burning coal. Nowhere in the text says that Jesus went to the early morning market for food. It has to be a miracle in the midst of another. I suggest fish and bread simply came out of thin air in that pre-dawn hour. Jesus demonstrated his care and love for Peter and others by providing what they were laboring for. We can imagine the atmosphere. It has to be a sobering mood. Silence, more than the sporadic sound of munching on fish and bread by the hungry seven, dominated the breakfast time. Peter probably could not get away with the thought: Hmm, after a whole night of fruitless labor, just one cast as instructed by the Lord netted 153 fish. What a miraculous change in fortune! To continue in one’s own effort and be fruitless, or to follow the Lord that provides all of our needs, that is the clear choice set before Peter and his friends. I am sure Peter recalled the first fruitless fishing in the same lake over three years ago. The two nights of fruitless labor serve as two bookends to Peter’s life. It has to invoke a sense of coincidence and awe. Once a disciple, forever a disciple. There is no turning back. The world behind me, the Cross before me, no turning back, no turning back. People in the world are overtly preoccupied with meeting the physical needs, forgetting that it is God who supplies all of our needs. If only we turn back to God and seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, all these things shall be added unto us. Just look at the animal planets documentary, water everywhere is teeming with lively creatures. Look at God’s gardens everywhere, they are filled with the produces of every kind, in very creative packages. Our lows in life arising from our excessive concern and worry can be effectively dealt with by knowing the love of God who is the Jehovah-Jireh, the Lord will Provide.

The second thing Jesus did to Peter was no less remarkable. He asked Peter three questions and reaffirmed Peter’s apostleship. If the breakfast met Peter’s physical needs, then the post-breakfast questions address his deep emotions and broken spirit. Jesus asks Peter by addressing his original name: Simon son of John, do you truly love me more than these? Some theologians wish to attach this use of the original name to mean Jesus’ intention to awaken Peter’s bruised soul. The word love here is agapas, the kind of holy and godly love. Jesus was asking if Peter really loves Jesus more than these, meaning here his fisherman friends and fishing business. Listen to what Peter has to answer, sort of indirectly: Yes, Lord, you know that I love you. Here Peter used the Greek word phileo, the kind of brotherly love that is less than agape in both intensity and scope. Essentially, the humiliated Peter who thrice denied the Lord a few days ago dared not to speak about his superiority in loving the Lord. But he acknowledged that the Lord knew his heart and he indeed loved Jesus, just not on the same scale that Jesus loved him. Jesus clearly was pleased with Peter’s reply and issued the first order of his commission to Peter now reappointed and reaffirmed as the leader of the apostolic pack: Feed my lambs. Lambs (harnia) means little and immature baby sheep. Instead of being concerned with one’s own well being, Peter was to provide pastoral care by feeding the young and immature children of God with the word of God.

The dialogue did not stop there. Jesus asked Peter a second time, just like the first time, except omitting the words “more than these”: Simon son of John, do you truly love me? Peter did not waste any time in affirming as before: Yes, Lord, you know that I love you. Again Peter used the Greek word phileo to humbly reply to Jesus’ inquiry of agape love. Basically, he was saying: Yes, Lord, you know my heart, I do have some love for you, just not as much as you and I wanted to have. Jesus then issued the second order of his commission: take care of my sheep. Here Jesus used a different verb (poimaine) and a different noun (probatia). Poimaine means shepherd, tend, or take care of. Probatia is still little sheep, but a bit more mature and grown up than harnia the little baby lamb. Peter’s mission was not only to feed the needy lambs of God, but also to provide holistic shepherding care to the whole flock of God.

I know and you know well. The most dreadful has happened. Jesus asked Peter a third time, as if to remind him his denial of knowing Jesus three times. “Simon son of John, do you love me?” This time, Jesus asked Peter using the word phileo instead of agapas, as if to challenge him: Look, you have said twice that you have phileo kind of love for me. But do you mean it for sure? Do you even have that kind of love? The newfound joy of being reaffirmed and reappointed as the leader of the apostolic pack is now giving way to grieving in Peter’s heart. Peter replied, probably in breaking voice: Lord, you know all things, you know that I love you. If the Lord knows all things, why bother asking Peter to answer? We ask questions in the same vein: If the Lord knows all my failings and needs, why does he still want me to pray to him in confession and petition? Why the roundabout way? Brothers and sisters, talking to God about our failings and needs is God’s way of initiating the healing and blessing. There is power in letting out our concern, care, worry, oppression, depression, and suppression. The Lord wants us to bear his yoke, for his is lighter and easier than our own. Jesus issued a third order of his commission to Peter: Feed my sheep. Basically, Peter was to feed the lambs and sheep, and take good care of their physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs.

Jesus continued, with his prophetic words about how Peter would finish his earthly journey and die a martyr’s death. This is the third thing after feeding Peter and his friends with breakfast, after quizzing Peter for his love and reaffirming/reappointing Peter to apostolic leadership position. Following provision and three-fold pronouncement is prophecy or prediction. Peter will enjoy some time of freedom in shepherding God’s church, before he is bound up and taken to the execution ground for a final suffering, the kind of suffering that Peter was fearful to witness during Jesus’ last few hours. Uninformed people may think this is Jesus’ way of getting even with Peter’s denial. Far from it, this is Jesus’ way of assuring Peter that Peter as the reinstalled leader of the apostolic pack will offer tender care to the flock of God’s people and eventually walk the same walk of the cross that he once was afraid of and now he is emboldened to trod upon, by imitating the Lord who so loves him and whom he has readily confessed to love. As surely as Jesus predicted Peter’s denials after last supper, Jesus is now predicting Peter’s martyrdom after the lakeside breakfast. I must admit that knowing the detail of one’s final leg of journey on earth can be a depressing thought. I would be hesitant to know the manner that I will die someday, be it plane crash or car wreck, cancer or heart attack, botched robbery with murder, you name it. But in perfect love there is no fear. When one knows the eventuality, one takes time to digest it, get over with it and have peace about it. Peter’s immediate reaction to Jesus’ prediction is asking about John’s fate out of curiosity: Lord, what about him? In the closing lines of John 21, we hear Jesus saying to Peter: “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me.”

On that post-resurrection, perhaps foggy, morning, by the lake of Galilee, a silent transformation is taking place. The Peter who once led the pack of 12 apostles badly failed after Jesus’ arrest by denying the very Lord that he had followed for three plus years. After a couple of post-resurrection appearances to the disciples, restoration of Peter’s apostleship is in order. Jesus chose a time after Peter’s second fruitless fishing expedition with six other buddies. Jesus did three things to start the process of healing and restoration. First, he prepared a miraculous breakfast by the shore, even though the fish in the lake were ducking from Peter’s net cast one after another throughout the quiet, spring night. But fish and bread, like any other good things in life, are all gifts of God. To acknowledge God’s sovereign lordship is the starting point to come out of life’s endless worries and lows. Second, Jesus had a remarkably short counseling session with Peter in the presence of six others. He basically went straight to the heart of the matter: do you love me more than anything, your social network, your professional career, even your own life? The little love we or Peter have for the Lord is valued by the Lord. We do not have to pretend that we have greater love than anyone else. We come to the Lord just the way we are, a sinner short of agape love and in need of God’s mercy and love, no pretense, no veneer of trumped up godliness, no comparison with others. God is willing to restore our relationship with him if we confess how little love we have. Our love, as little as it is, is by no means belittled by God. I did not know what true love is, until I came to know the Lord in the midst of my marriage struggles. You too can come before God’s throne of mercy and gain or regain his forgiveness and favor. Lastly, Jesus predicted Peter the martyr who would pass life’s ultimate test of faith: to die a martyr’s death in the imitation of Christ and for the glory of God. Church history tells us, Peter was crucified upside down on a cross in Rome, for Peter felt it was unworthy for him to die in the same way as the Lord. In life and in death, we belong to Christ. If death cannot deter the faithful, nothing in this world, not the lows of our life, can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus. Just as apostle Paul eloquently expresses at the end of Romans 8.

“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution, or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? … No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

To that we all say: Amen and amen!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009







Wednesday, October 28, 2009


















Tuesday, October 27, 2009







上周五晚上,顶着毛毛细雨,爱之光团契开始了第一次的聚会,聚会地点位于与爱迪生以及南平田镇交接的劈势开太威镇的新德兰小教堂。可以容纳四百多人的教堂,迎来了首次聚会的三十几位成人与多位小孩。很明显,场地给了未来人数翻番成长的预备空间。马团长借用已故流行歌王杰克逊的话(This is it) 宣布新团契的开始。唱圣诗,听詹牧师的勉励,看着户外的秋雨,我想到圣经上所应许的秋雨之福。是的,上帝的恩典一如秋雨沛降,滋润人心。

Worship His Majesty

The only psalm that has ever been recited aloud to the whole world from the outer space is Psalm 8. On July 20, 1969, a spellbound world held its breath and watched Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin descending from Apollo 11’s lunar module Eagle and landing on the Moon. The spot where they set their feet is called the Sea of Tranquility. Indeed, it was a tranquil moment in the history of mankind. Ancient moon gazers fancied themselves with dreams of visiting the Moon. Chinese had the fairytale of a certain fair lady named Chang’e flying to the Moon and taking abode there. Poets of all nationalities penned numerous poems about the Moon. One Hebrew shepherd boy who later became the greatest King of Israel had a moment of tranquility in the Judea desert while tending his father’s sheep. As he gazed upon the Moon in the starry night sky, he could not withhold his spirit of worship to the Creator. He poured out his worshipful spirit in Psalm 8. Three thousand years later, Psalm 8 became the choice poem worthy of being recited after the first successful Moon landing forty year ago. Tonight, let’s pause in our busyness of life and share that moment of tranquility, first experienced by David and then by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. In so doing, let’s enter into the sanctuary of our hearts and bow down before our Maker.

In both the opening and the closing verse, David repeated this refrain: O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! Twice he used the Hebrew word ad-dir (ad-deer) to describe the name of God. The English equivalent of ad-dir are words such as excellent, famous, gallant, glorious, goodly, lordly, mighty, noble. It behooves us to conjure up images as recent as in the Election Night of 2008 when Barack Obama, the first elected African American President, took to the podium outside Chicago, to the thunderous applause of jubilant supporters and well wishers. A sense of unprecedented triumph and regality pervaded the whole park, whole nation, and whole world. If David did not continue to explain what exactly he meant by Addir in the following verses, we would be left guessing what exactly the majesty of God is. So let’s read on.

You have set your glory above the heavens.” God’s glory, so foreign to us and so immense for us to grasp, is above the heavens. The same David, elsewhere in Psalm 19, says, “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.” In essence, the heavens are but an extension, or seepage, of God’s uncontainable glory. God’s glory radiates through his handiworks in the heavens. The same Moon and stars that charmed David the shepherd boy transmit to us an even richer meaning in this age of scientific discovery. Our Moon and our star, the Sun, in the solar system, are only two of a hundred billion planets and stars in our Milky Way that measures 100,000 light years across. Furthermore, the Milky Way is but one of the hundred billion galaxies in the cosmos whose expanse can only be traversed for nearly 14 billion years even at the speed of light. Such enormity of the heavens is beyond our comprehension and reflecting the glory of God who takes the heavens as his throne and the earth as his footstool.

Curiously, in verse 2, David said to God: “Out of the mouth of babes and infants, you have established strength because of your foes, to still the enemy and the avenger.” Perhaps David witnessed in his childhood that he and his play pals praised God. During David’s time, the Philistines were a constant threat to the people of Israel. We all know the famous story of a young David standing up to the Philistine giant by the name of Goliath and killing him with a sling and just one of five stones. God’s strength of victory was surely upon the young David. But David here was talking about suckling babes and infants whose mouths were usually after milk insatiably. The poet was using the literary device of exaggeration to portray the praiseworthiness of God for his superpower by even those adorable but powerless babes and infants. We get a better picture of this verse in Matthew 21:16. There on Palm Sunday, Jesus went into Jerusalem riding on a donkey, receiving praise and honor from people lining up the street (before many of them had a dramatic about face five days later). Jesus chased out money changers and vendors selling pigeons from inside the temple of God, and healed many sick people. Many young children shouted or cried out: “Hosanna to the Son of David!” The religious of the day, the chief priests and the scribes, were indignant on hearing this. They chided Jesus by saying: “Do you hear what these are saying?” Jesus answered them, by quoting none other than Psalm 8:2 (possibly the Septuagint version), “Yes, have you never read, ‘Out of the mouth of the infants and nursing babies you have prepared praise’?” Perhaps unbeknown to David, almost a millennium later, his prophetic poetry would be heard of its fulfillment from the lips of those children witnessing the Passion Week ministry of Jesus the Son of David. I gained a deeper appreciation of verse 2 early this year when I read a report from China. A government scholar formulating new religious policy guideline reported his observations after spending a full year traveling through much of China and doing in-depth research on the status of house churches. Despite being an atheist, he had some very favorable things to say about the underground house churches, with an outspoken concern for the secrecy forced upon them. One recount in his report etched in my memory. Showing video clips of children singing praises to God in a house church, the scholar saw a new generation with gleaming hope in those young Christian children. He described them as “beaming with sunlight”. He said tears swelled up in his eyes. Brothers and sisters, God has indeed ordained strength or praise from the lips of babes and infants, even in China where his house churches are under constant harassment and sporadic persecution. God used those children beaming with heavenly sunlight to silence God’s enemy and avenger, and even drive one atheist scholar to tears.

In verses 3 and 4, David felt a strong sense of unworthiness when he discovered the worthiness of God as displayed in the heavens, the Moon and the stars. So unworthy, David had to resort to the rhetorical refrain of synonymous parallelism to adequately express his feeling of gross inadequacy: When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him? Worship is the most natural response of man when man is confronted with God’s greatness evidenced by his mighty handiwork. Man can only prostrate before the Maker and feel unworthy of God’s providential care. George Smoot III, a UC Berkeley professor, won the 2006 Nobel Prize in Physics for his contribution in understanding the cosmic microwave background radiation. In describing his team’s discovery in the early 1990’s, he likened the map of the embryonic heavens by the cosmic background explorer satellite as looking at the “fingerprint of God”. The stars we see and not see in the sky came into existence because of the handiwork of God. Now scientists can trace back in time and find the earliest fingerprint of God. Science is discovering more and more how awesome our God is! Another scientist, by the name of Francis Collins, led a group of some 3000 scientists a few years ago in deciphering the human genome, the book of life that makes human biologically human. Lately, he published a book “the language of God”. It is this instruction book with over six billion letters, jointly given by our parents, that drives both our embryonic development and everyday living. It is this language of God that literally speaks us into an embodied existence containing no less than ten to the 27th power of atoms in over 10 trillion cells of various kinds, including about 100,000 hairs on our head (yes, God has numbered them), over 200 bones that frame us to stand upright before God, 40 billion capillaries that, altogether with arteries and veins, make up nearly 100,000 miles of rivers of blood within our body (that is four times the circumference of the earth’s equator, arguably the longest river on earth!). If all of the DNA molecules in our body were stretched and stacked end to end, it would have to travel back and forth 8000 times between Moon and earth! If we only care to gaze deep into the heavens, we would find the fingerprint of God. If we only care to gaze deep into our own cells, we would find the language of God. God’s glory is splendid and resplendent, everywhere we gaze into.

David’s feeling of unworthiness before the Creator God was intensified furthermore in verses 5 to 8: Yet you have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor. You have given him dominion over the works of your hands; you have put all things under his feet, all sheep and oxen, and also the beasts of the field, the birds of the heavens, and the fish of the sea, whatever passes along the paths of the seas. If the high heavens that bears the fingerprint of God proved unbearably humbling to the poet, then the fact that God created us in his own glorious image and likeness and ordained us to have dominion over his creation is simply mind-boggling, eye-opening, breath-taking, heart-throbbing, gut-wrenching, and knee-shuddering. The most unthinkable has happened: “Yet you have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor.” Wow! Wait a minute! The majestic God of immeasurable glory and honor has created man just a little lower than heavenly beings (me·'e·lo·him), variously translated as God (as so rendered in some translations’ footnote) or angels (per Septuagint), and crowned him with glory and honor. Not only is God’s fingerprint on display in the heavens, his very image of glory and honor is being borne by man, the imago dei. When we survey the history of mankind, we see an enduring struggle in our dominion over nature, often for our selfish ends. To say that we have lived up to this lofty aspiration as God’s glorious image bearer and stewarding caretaker is simply not true to our collective experience. So was David wrong then? Absolutely not! David’s prophetic words were first and foremost fulfilled with Jesus, according to the author of the Book of Hebrew 2:6-8. Apostle Paul further predicts in 1Corithians 15:27-28 and Ephesians 1:10 the ultimate dominion over everything under Christ.

But to conclude that Psalm 8 is prophetic about Jesus only would undermine the richer meaning of this poetry, since the bible also clearly teaches that we are co-heirs with Christ (e.g., Romans 8:17). It is in Christ that we find the ultimate meaning of God’s creation and redemption. It is by Christ and for Christ that the heavens and earth were created. As part of the creation order, indeed the crowning jewel of the creation, mankind is to exhibit God’s glory and honor in all we are and all we do. Unfortunately we have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. In God’s mercy and grace, he sent his one and only son Jesus Christ to come into the world and redeem mankind from sin and death. Not only will we be saved from the penalty, power and presence of sin, we will be saved unto eternal life as the divine image bearers and co-heirs with Christ. The new heavens and the new earth will be our new, eternal home, wherein we shall directly gaze upon the glory of God and fulfill our caretaking stewardship. This is the gospel of Jesus Christ, the greatest and best news there is under heavens and on earth. Brothers and sisters, let’s learn from David a lesson of worship. David gazed into the starry night in the moment of tranquility and found God’s glory beaming through not only the Moon and stars, but the image bearers of God as caretakers of his mighty creation. Let’s pause during each of the four seasons and marvel at the changing colors and thank God for adorning our planet earth with such rich diversity of liveliness. Let me give you a few tips in case you wonder how.

In this fall season, walk in Central Park or your neighborhood, hike in Bear Mountain, pick up a fallen leave and inspect its veins, the highway that once transported the carbohydrates made by the process of photosynthesis. Some of the leftover sugars helped staining the leave reddish. Ponder on the fact that all of the foods consumed by the millions different kinds of living species in our biosphere were ultimately made by the green plants, God’s Food Inc. And give thanks to God for his generous provision year after year to humans and sparrows and fish and sheep and oxen. Amazingly, God’s Food Inc. takes an extended Sabbath break in the fall and winter every year, without causing real food shortage overall. The fall foliage is like a holiday celebration in flying colors. Go stand by the bank of Hudson and delight in the tapestry on both sides of the mountain valley. Savor the moment of tranquility. God is in the fall season. Do not miss his show.

In the winter season, light the fireplace of your heart and let it snow, let it snow. Walk in the snow country and kiss the snowflakes that gently fall on your face and lips. Taste it, the ultra pure, chilled and shapely disguised water supplied free of charge. Click to fasten your snow board or skiing board but let loose your inhibition at the top of the trail. If you dare, pick the daredevil black diamond trail and have a free fall. If not, crisscross the cross country trails at a leisure pace. If too timid, take the snow tubing and ride along with it. Regardless, recite your favorite Psalms and praise God for making mountains and opening the storehouse of snow. God is real cool and chill. Worship him for being so cool. You be cool too.

In the spring season, pay attention to the budding trees and blooming flowers. Observe their growth in slow motion. Gently touch the green buds and wipe off the morning dew. Analyze the color patterns in the flower and understand that all types of colors in varying shades and intensities are finely painted by an invisible artisan programmed internally within the book of life. Even the crayons are self manufactured, distributed and deposited with the right amount and in the right time and location. Nose up to a flower and breathe in its aromatic fragrance. Watch how a butterfly flutters and dances her way to a flower or a bum bee skillfully lands on the narrow strip of the petal, before they collect the nectar and become the unwitting facilitators for flowers’ cross fertilization. God has to be an artist par excellence. God is in the spring. Let your singing of praise and adoration to God bloom like wild flowers in your heartland.

In the summer season, check out the beaches and enjoy the giant Jacuzzi by the name of Atlantic or Pacific Ocean. Know that the whirlpool is being agitated by the joint gravitational pulls from the Moon and the Sun. If you have ever felt envious of the rich having indoor Jacuzzi within their oversized mansion, then think again while you are immersed in God’s super-sized, outdoor Jacuzzi stirred by the Moon and the Sun. And feel super special being so pampered by God. In the coolness of a summer night, count the stars in the heavens as if you numerate the blessings from God. Watch cereus blooming in the night and folding up its petals and withering in the morning, as I am fortunate to witness a few times at home in August since 2004. Our life on earth is as brief as the night-blooming cereus, yet it is deeply rooted in God’s mindfulness of us even before the foundation of the world, it is lived in the present age to know our Maker and Redeemer, and it is to be lived endlessly throughout eternity in the presence of our Maker and Redeemer. Let us echo David the psalmist’s refrain: O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!

Friday, October 23, 2009






Tuesday, October 20, 2009



第一样是工作。不多几日,贡献青春快二十年的公司终于要画上句点了,即将被新的默克给吞并了。记得刚进公司时还是满头黑发,一脸朝气的热血青年。拿到录用通知后曾与妻子一起到“热得啦不是特饿”(Red Lobster)开心吃龙虾庆祝,似在昨日。现在对镜自观,深深体会岁月如梭。头上黑白越来越分明。晶状体变形聚焦动作迟缓,太远看不明,太近看得晕。肺活量年年减产,而血压节节攀升。没有腰缠万贯,但内部组织重组起哄,显摆另类富有派头。唯一还保持得不错的是一副好牙齿,竟然一个也没有坏掉(大概部分归功于小时候吃糖的机会太少)。乖乖,现在总算弄明白了,为什么不明身份的亡魂可借保存基本完好的牙齿来鉴定。

第二样是团契与信仰生活。本周五,我要离开生活了十七年之久的若歌教会乡音团契,与一群居住爱迪生的同胞,共同开创若歌教会的又一个新团契———爱之光(EDISON LIGHT)。目的很简单,与凡愿意的华人同胞一起分享来自耶稣基督的恩典之爱与真理之光。离开乡音大家庭,还真有些舍不得。但更大更新的使命,催逼我们忍痛割爱。





Friday, October 9, 2009









Monday, October 5, 2009











Tuesday, September 22, 2009




在场的四十余人每人拿到一枝玫瑰花,或站或坐在公墓内的小教堂里。黄牧师讲完简短信息与祷告,房克忠弟兄带领众人唱诗,一首“亲爱主,牵我手” ,催人泪下。谌效东弟兄祷告完,我们一个个走上前,把花放在棺木上。离开前,我刻意作了一个亲吻的手势,好像不得已目送时安弟兄远去的身影,而自己,暂时逗留在此岸世界。





Sunday, September 20, 2009







Thursday, September 17, 2009















古来文人多偏爱于竹,而甚于爱树。以竹入画可为主题,而以树入画却多是陪衬。画树常曲,且繁生槾枝。而画竹则挺且直。或浓墨或淡染、或顿提或勾划、或饱润或枯瘦,即成一幅墨竹图,老杆新篁,葱翠欲滴,神形兼备。历来写竹者众,其中姣姣,当推文同、高克恭、赵孟頫、管道升、郑燮,而其中又以清人郑燮为最。文人喜竹,不仅因爱其形,更是因爱其品:竹 -- 中空且有节。中空又谓虚心,虚心有节乃文人之向往为人处世之高尚境界。待人应虚心,处世需持节。怀纳川向学之谦心,忧国忧民之忧心;持文人之道义之名节,民族泱泱之气节。如竹之谦虚诚恳却不卑躬屈膝,于顶端处迎高风,由躯身中见亮节。食可以无肉,居却不可无竹,是为不俗(苏轼语)。故此竹并梅、兰、菊同被恭入花木é四君子û之列。




On Bamboo (Shian Zhou)

South of Yangtze is never short of bamboos. Small wonder, people there love bamboos.

A nice abode almost always parks in front of a patch of bamboos, nestled at foothill and flowed around by river.

Imagine: dwell in a bamboo hut, sit on a bamboo chair, lie down on a bamboo bed, and travel by a bamboo raft. In time of want, add rice in a bamboo container, steam with fresh and tender bamboo shoots, you get aromatic meal that lasts. In time of travel, wear a bamboo hat to shield from wind, rain, and Sun. In time of leisure, pluck out a bamboo stalk and sever it, the long piece for fishing pole, the short a flute. The elderly neighbor sits by a pond, holding the freshly cut fishing pole, abandoning himself to the wonder scenery reflected in the water. The young lad straddles a buffalo, making melodies with the bamboo flute to beckon the wavy mountains and quiet the dancing creek. Such is the sight in the painting “Fluting and Fishing in Jiang Nan”.

Imagine: a forest of bamboos sing with the ruffling wind, sometimes sobbing to a mere whisper, other times shouting into a deafening thunder. After baptism with spring rain, bamboos shoot up out of the turf like mushrooms. On a sultry summer day, bamboos become your hiding place, while you are being chased by the mischievous Sun that relentlessly seeks you out in the thicket of bamboos. Such is the cool way of travel on a path dotted with flickering patterns of sunlight, all the while the breeze finesses my hairdo and the moist soothes my heart. What fun of summer chill!

Ancient pens love bamboos more than trees. Bamboos take center stage in paintings, whereas trees are often peripheral. Trees branch out whereas bamboos stand erect. Thick ink or light touch, sudden tailing or sharp bending, full or lanky, thus becomes a painting of bamboos, old and new, luxuriantly verdant, vividly lively. Many have shown a knack in writing about bamboo, the elitists are but a few. The learned love bamboo, not only its outward appearance, but inner qualities as well. Bamboo is distinguished by its hollow chamber segregated by nodes. Hollow symbolizes humility, and node connotes integrity. Humility with integrity is a lofty goal to be attained in life. One must show humility with moral integrity when dealing with people. Be humble and open enough to embrace differences and yet morally upright to hold onto foundational principles. Be humble as hollow as the bamboos, yet stand the ground as firm as the bamboos. As Su Shi put it wisely, to eat can be without meat, but to live shall not be short of the bamboo spirit. Thus, bamboo ranks with plum, orchid, and chrysanthemum as the four gents of flowers and trees.

Humility with integrity is also fitting for Christian conduct. Being humble before God and obedient to his way instead of the worldly wisdom is not easy. Those who love bamboos may learn a lesson from its character.

Born and raised south of Yangtze, I am a lover of bamboo. Now that I sojourn in North America , I lament the scarcity of bamboo. With this reflection, I recompense myself by the fond memory of bamboo. Behold bamboo and its charm and character.

(Translated upon the author’s request)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009







Monday, September 14, 2009








Wednesday, September 9, 2009



今天是阳历09年09月09日,一组很特别的数目字。我不由自主地想起唐代诗人王维。他十五岁时(AD715)离家进京。两年后的重阳节(阴历九月九日) ,思亲情切,写下流芳百世的七绝:



作者在繁华的京城求取功名,称之为异乡,自比为异客。这种想法其实与圣经的视野不谋而合。圣经称圣徒在地上是寄居的客旅(来11:13)。信心之父亚伯拉罕在应许之地作客,好像在异地居住(来11:9)。信神的人羡慕一个更美的家乡,就是在天上的(来11:16) 。如今,时安弟兄回到了那个大可羡慕的天家,我们这些暂时在地寄居的客旅,反倒有了“王维情结” 的孤独感,觉得自己孤孤单单地继续留在异乡为异客了。


少年诗人王维怀想远在山西老家的四位弟弟,在重阳节携带香气浓烈的茱萸登高望远,可惜亲人中少了他一人在场。如今,我们仍在异地作异客,遥想已然登高上达天庭的时安弟兄,我们何尝不是一次又一次发觉,我们还真不习惯过那种少了时安弟兄参与的地上教会与团契生活。或者按照诗人的意思来推论,如今时安弟兄与爱他的主同在,那一大群簇拥主宝座的圣徒与圣天使中间,是不是也少了我们这些还在异地作异客的天路客呢?难怪使徒保罗在写给腓立比教会的监狱书简里说,“因我活着就是基督,我死了就有益处。但我在肉身活着,若成就我工夫的果子,我就不知道该挑选什么。我正在两难之间,情愿离世与基督同在,因为这是好得无比的” (腓1:21-23) 。我们姑且把这种复杂情结命名为“保罗情结” 。


Monday, September 7, 2009




陈牧师师母,以及好些弟兄姐妹闻讯后,先后赶到你在桥水市的家。我们用眼泪、静默、祈祷、圣诗,来陪伴你的爱侣素如和你的爱女泱泱。我们再也没能与你谋面相谈,唯有围着你,按手在你被隐藏的身上,为你祷告。我隔着布摸着你的右手,苦于无力把温暖传给你,唯一能安慰自己的,是主耶稣基督掷地有声的宣告:“复活在我,生命也在我,信我的人,虽然死了,也必复活。凡活着信我的人,必永远不死。” 这样,你如今仍然活着,只是暂时安睡在主的怀抱里,有一天,你会复活醒来,大家要再见面,永不分离。





Friday, August 28, 2009




我第一次离家上大学是1980年的夏末。从老家坐公交车赶到长沙,又连夜从长沙坐火车往武汉赶。次日清晨,快到武汉时,对座一位名叫郑刚的大学新生,来自广西,前往武汉工学院读书。他热情地送给我一个苹果。这是我平生第一次吃到苹果,意义非同小可。我谢过他,就狼吞虎咽地吃下。晓风吹进车窗,凉凉的。终于到了学校,感觉身体累,可能有点感冒。吃苹果与伤风感冒于我而言,密不可分。从此,我再也没有吃苹果,直到来美留学,发现苹果是相当可口的水果。甚至有西谚称, An apple a day keeps the doctors away。不知道只有一面之交的郑刚同学在天的哪方,只有默默祝福他。


为庆祝长女上大学,我们选择她生日期间,也刚好是我与她妈结婚二十三周年之际,全家人去阿拉斯加旅游,方式是坐海轮。五朵昙花盛开的次日,我们全家老少七口(包括岳父岳母),结伴与几家朋友,一同出游。周六先飞到西雅图,参观波音工厂,感受一个传奇的创业故事。周日下午,海轮驶离港口,直奔阿拉斯加。余下的就如西谚所言,The rest is history, 是过去了的历史。









Saturday, August 8, 2009








Sunday, August 2, 2009







Sunday, July 26, 2009


话说本周末小女Stephanie所在的蓝色精灵全明星女子垒球队,在翠西领队、娇滴为书记员、格里格为首的三位教练的带来下,以及家长亲友的喝彩支持下,参加今夏最后一个邀请赛,乃南平原镇的Summer Slam (夏天势来猛)杯。参赛队伍除了东道主外,有来自北爱迪生的蓝色精灵队,科龙尼亚旋风队,桥水市黑豹队,西田镇风暴队,梦若镇迅雷队,福乐明顿火焰队,以及特拉华谷闪电队,共八支劲旅。周五晚以及周六,每队比赛共三场,按照成绩来派种子队序,参加周日的决赛。这是一个期待值很高的比赛,因为在七月中科龙尼亚邀请赛的四分之一决赛中,决赛前三连胜后自以为稳操胜券的蓝色精灵队被排名靠后的南平原镇全明星队打败,饮恨空手而归。








Monday, July 20, 2009














咱们观月到底看到什么?或者,看见谁? 是三千年前诗人大卫所赞美的造天地万物的上主吗?请听四十年前首次登上月球的宇航员在月球上所诵读的大卫诗篇:

我观看你指头所造的天,并你所陈设的月亮星宿, 便说,人算什么,你竟顾念他。
你派他管理你手所造的, 使万物,就是一切的牛羊,田野的兽,空中的鸟,海里的鱼, 凡经行海道的,都服在他的脚下。

Friday, June 26, 2009











Thursday, June 11, 2009


昨天傍晚,小女Stephanie的球队Phillies(费城人队,虽然不在费城)打败Dodgers(道奇队,虽然不在洛杉矶),赢得爱迪生镇10U(不超过十岁)年龄组的女子垒球冠军。这是小女加入镇内业余垒球比赛几年来首次获得此项荣誉,相当难能可贵。本季预赛从四月中至五月底,共赛十五场之多。Phillies以十一胜一平三负的好成绩,被定为第一号种子队,参加“疯狂六月”(June Madness)的双淘汰决赛,轮空第一循环,与另外两场比赛的胜者先后相遇,连赢两场,进入冠亚军决赛,再遇道奇队,以11比6取胜。

道奇队由经验丰富的翠西律师领军,过去几年带领她女儿的球队一直稳拿冠军。Phillies则由憨厚的史考特先生率领。据说史先生第一次当教练,在赛季开始之夜,兴奋无比,彻夜难眠。两个月来,每周平均两场赛事前都尽力坚持战前的队伍训练,保持高昂的斗志。充当主力投手的Stephanie与她的捕手(Catcher) Rebecca搭档陪练。从主教练到队员,敬业精神都令人钦佩。

话说小女的垒球技艺有长足的进步。她在两年前开始练习投球,球速节节提升,球路多变,有快速球,变速球,弧线球,坠落球。帮助本镇同年龄组的全明星队在去年Sayreville邀请赛中力挫劲旅东布朗士维克队而夺冠,回报前年铩羽而返的一箭之仇。上周打败爱市南队,获得市长杯。迄今二十场比赛中,投球过四十局,只让四分,故防御率(或自责分率,ERA)低于一,属于卓越投手级别。小女也是高打击率的击球手,多半时候都是安打上垒。预赛中与天使队交战中,打出她第一个本垒打(home run)。冠亚军赛中,她头两局两度二垒安打,打点(RBI)四分。对方投手在教练授意下,后来故意投坏球,让她走垒,免得击球成功而得更多分。由于小女出色的球艺,教练常安排她作一垒手,遏制对手轻松上垒。

当冠军固然光荣,但作为她的粉丝,深知小女备战训练的辛劳与汗水。咱不得不喊一声:Go Stephanie!

Friday, May 29, 2009









Friday, May 8, 2009





母亲对某些称呼的英文颇感兴趣。她问我答,她跟着学。比如,爸爸叫Father,妈妈叫Mother。老人家很快就发现卷舌的尾音一样。回想起来,我当初真该教她Dad(dy) 和Mom(my) 或者Papa,Mama来得容易。她接着问,姐姐妹妹呢?Sister。兄弟呢?Brother。老人家不满,说那比狗叫还难听!说得全家人都笑了。

有一天,母亲私下问我,我是不是非常富有。我吓了一跳。问母亲何出此言。她说她发现我在不同的银行取款机上都可以拿到现钞。她分析,一个能够在多处不同的银行都取得到钱的人,不可能不富有。我好奇,反问她,估计我到底有多富有?她伸了伸手指,少说也有六位数。我哑然失笑。为了让老人家信服,我掰开指头算了算,即使我来美六年不吃不喝不花钱,头五年当穷学生,每年的助学金寥寥几千刀,加上头年的工薪,也存不到那个数目。 老人家后来知道,取款机各地联网,方便客户。




Friday, April 24, 2009






Thursday, April 2, 2009







Friday, March 27, 2009









Tuesday, February 3, 2009

冰天雪地 (Icy and Snowy Country)


Monday, January 19, 2009

Lincoln, King, and Obama

On this Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, one day before Barack Obama is to be sworn in as the 44th President of the United States, I feel like writing something as cheerful, though not as masterful or eloquent, as the 1963 "I Have a Dream" speech given by Dr. King, a pastor, a Nobel Laureate, and the anointed martyr for the civil rights movement.

Small wonder, Obama's presidential idol is Abraham Lincoln. Dr. King picked up what Lincoln had started a century earlier. From the Emancipation Proclamation to I Have a Dream, two milestones are sandwiching 100 years. The hard fought ideal of abolition movement set in motion the freedom of a beleaguered people of color. Not just any color, but the color of black, the God-given, dark-tanned complexion of the people of African decent. In the midst of the Civil War, Lincoln guaranteed Union-wide freedom of African Americans who were in servitude. It then took the spirited outcry and civilized decry of Dr. King and others to help end the racial segregation. Dr. King paid the ultimate price by pouring out his life as a drink offering on the altar of freedom's temple.

As if time is faster forwarding, forty years after Dr. King's assassination, Barack Obama won the Presidential election as the first African American, sealing a momentous victory in American dream and evolving Americanization.

Tomorrow, Barack will swear in with the same Bible used by Lincoln, under the gaze of millions of well wishers and TV/internet spectators, not to mention the ultra tight security details. A nation has indeed taken a giant stride by choosing a son begotten by a black father and a white mother. The once divided Union now finds its perfect harmony within one persona. Barack Obama epitomizes the age-long struggle for racial equality. It is now up for the new Obama Administration to deliver the message of hope, not in pre-election sound bytes, but in parcels of tangible benefits to millions of displaced and distressed people of all colors, who find it increasingly harder to put bread to their family's dinner table or get affordable health coverage.

We all bid him Godspeed. May the good work of Lincoln and King find fuller fulfillment in Obama and the innovative American people.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

感受中国四篇 (China Trip Reflection)






























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Ph.D Biochemist, Itinerant Evangelist

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